Take a look at Manage Shipments:
In Manage Shipments, it is divided into FBA Shipments and AWD Shipments. To access this page, the user can click on RestockAMZ > Manage Shipments. For FBA Shipments, you will easily find your shipments to Amazon created in RestockAMZ and all other shipments from Amazon Seller Central. You have the ability to view and track shipments, as well as print pick list.
For AWD Shipments, AWD is a shipment synced from AMZ to view and track information on orders going to AWD (Amazon Warehouse Distribution). You have the ability to view and track shipments, as well as print pick list.
FBA Shipments
The FBA Shipments feature allows you to view information about your shipments, including shipment details, source, and status, other details like restock type, created date, total cost, linked purchase order, estimated receive date, and estimated delivery date are accessible. You can even modify the estimated delivery date to a later time if necessary.
Shipments Status
Pending: The shipment has not been submitted to Amazon yet
Working: The seller has created the shipment but has not yet sent it to the carrier.
Ready to ship: A package is ready to be picked up by a courier and the shipping process can begin
Shipped: The carrier has picked up the shipment from the seller.
In Transit: The carrier has notified Amazon that they are aware of the shipment.
Delivered: The carrier has delivered the shipment to the Amazon fulfillment center.
Checked In: The shipment has been checked in at the receiving dock of the Amazon fulfillment center.
Receiving: The shipment has arrived at the Amazon fulfillment center, but not all items have been marked as received.
Closed: The shipment has arrived at the Amazon fulfillment center and all items have been marked as received.
Canceled: The seller canceled the shipment after it was sent to the Amazon fulfillment center.
Deleted: The seller canceled the shipment before it was sent to the Amazon fulfillment center.
Error: There was an issue with the shipment, and it was not processed by Amazon.
Based on the status, users can do these actions as image
If a shipment is in "pending" status, Manage Shipments will give you the option to update items, add items or delete the shipment, as well as showing the Next Step to create FBA shipment.
Once a FBA shipment has been created, RestockAMZ will show Next Step as "Refresh Amazon Status" so you can stay up to date on your shipment status and received quantities. The Options column will also change to display view order (in RestockAMZ), view shipment queue (in Seller Central), print pick list and create purchase order.
Restock Type
The Restock Type column is unique to RestockAMZ. This column will display "Supplier", "Warehouse" or "Amazon" to describe whether the shipment was created in RestockAMZ from your warehouse, supplier or data pulled from Amazon.
Shipment Details
Pending Shipments
Clicking on the Options icons for "update items" or "add items" will take you to the Shipment Details screen. Here you can view information on your shipment and edit information such as add SKUs, change quantities, print item stickers and add order notes. Once this is complete, click Create FBA Shipment to send your restock to Seller Central.
Shipments Submitted to Amazon
Similar to pending shipments, all shipments submitted to or downloaded from Seller Central are available to view in Shipment Details. This is accessible from the Options "View Order" icon. This will give you more details on the items in your order. Depending on the status of the shipment, you have the ability to modify units or cancel the shipment from this page.
AWD Shipments
The AWD Shipment displays all shipments synced from Amazon. These shipments are easily identifiable by their unique IDs, which begin with "STAR." To access the AWD shipments tab, users can navigate to RestockAMZ > Manage Shipments > AWD shipments.
The page provides detailed information about each shipment, including its ID, name, source, destination, status, requested quantity, received quantity, total cost, created date, and updated date.
Shipments Status
Created: The seller has created the shipment but has not yet sent it to the carrier.
Shipped: The carrier has picked up the shipment from the seller.
In Transit: The carrier has notified Amazon that they are aware of the shipment.
Delivered: The carrier has delivered the shipment to the Amazon fulfillment center.
Receiving: The shipment has arrived at the Amazon fulfillment center, but not all items have been marked as received.
Closed: The shipment has arrived at the Amazon fulfillment center and all items have been marked as received.
Canceled: The seller canceled the shipment after it was sent to the Amazon fulfillment center.
Deleted: The seller canceled the shipment before it was sent to the Amazon fulfillment center.
Error: There was an issue with the shipment, and it was not processed by Amazon.
After creating an AWD shipment, RestockAMZ will display "Refresh Amazon Status" under Next Step. This allows you to monitor your shipment's progress and received quantities. The Options column will also update to show view order (in RestockAMZ), view shipment queue (in Seller Central), and print a pick list.
Shipment Details
All shipments submitted to or downloaded from Seller Central are available to view in Shipment Details. This is accessible from the Options "View Order" icon. This will give you more details on the items in your order.
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