The ForecastRx main dashboard provides a visual representation of your stock levels as well as KPIs and action items. Our interactive dashboard allows you to click any field to quickly filter relevant information.
On the top line, you will find Items Out of Stock, Warehouse Items Out of Stock, New Items, and No Suppliers Assigned. The out-of-stock fields will help you identify how many items need to be ordered/restocked as well as show the change from last week to track the reduction in out-of-stock items week over week. New Items will be products you will want to pay attention to because they have less predictable forecasts and you want to track their sales trends. No Suppliers Assigned helps you understand which products may be missing information and potentially be overlooked when evaluating restocking and reorder planning by suppliers.
The middle pie charts will track your stock statuses and are clickable to sort recommendations for products in each stock status easily. The Saleable Items pie chart divides products into three categories to track items in stock(saleable), soon-to-be-in-stock items (on PO, in a warehouse), and items that are out-of-stock and are not on order. This chart is most helpful to view products that are out of stock and have not been ordered yet. The middle chart for QuickBooks and CSV integration users will display active and inactive items. Inactive items are items that have not made a sale in the last 30 days. For Amazon integration users, the Restock Status pie chart is shown. This chart will divide your products by the restock status flags you set in RestockAMZ. This chart will also allow you to click to filter by restock status in the Restock Recommendations page. The third chart will show your stock status for purchasing recommendations. This stock status will include your warehouse inventory and shipment/purchase orders in this stock status.
The third row of data will list your top-selling items and items projected to be your top sellers in the upcoming sales period. With this, you will be shown your highest-selling products that require a restock/purchase order placed soon. You can click on the headers to filter out your top sellers in order and all items that require an order placed soon. Additionally, you can click on each SKU to filter just that product.
The bottom row for Amazon-integrated companies will display the Unit Transit graphic to display where products are moving throughout your supply chain. This feature will only display units in transit for shipments and purchase orders created in ForecastRx. Any shipments created in Seller Central or purchase orders not entered in ForecastRx will not be displayed.
Home Dashboard Preference for Amazon Companies
The inventory statuses on the dashboard charts can be customized based on your inventory source type (FBM, FBA, or both). If you are an FBM seller only, select FBM as your Home Dashboard Preference under Manage Company > Company Details, for your inventory data on the dashboard to be based on FBM inventory alone. If you do not do this, On Hand FBA Qty will be factored into the stock statuses and misrepresent FBM items as out-of-stock. Additionally, if you are an FBA and FBM seller and would not like the FBM quantities counted in your stock levels, select FBA as your Home Dashboard Preference to ignore FBM inventory in the stock status charts.
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