If you are missing a column in any of your grids:
Please click on the 3 dots to the right of any visible column, select "Columns" and then check any of the column options you wish to display and they will be added to your grid.
If you are missing any rows/item data:
1. Select the yellow "Clear Filters" button at the top of your grid to clear any filters and have all available data shown again. If you do not want to clear all of your filters, look for a column with the 3 blue dots. If you see this, that column has a filter set. Click on the 3 blue dots to modify or clear the specific filter.
2. The item may be Hidden. To check this, first, go to the Items section and enable the column called "Hidden". Then filter the Hidden column to "Is True". You will now see all items that are assigned as hidden. To reenable an item, uncheck the box in the Hidden column and run a forecast to update the data.
3. Run a sync and forecast to ensure your data is up to date.
4. If you are still missing item data, please double-check that the data is entered correctly in your data source and then contact ForecastRx support (support@forecastrx.com) if the information is missing from ForecastRx.
If you would like to schedule a meeting with a member of the team—let us know, we are here to help!
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