Where do I see my Amazon restock recommendations?
Navigate to Restock Recommendations to see your forecasted restock recommendations for shipping from both your supplier and warehouse. After viewing, you can create an order from these suggestions.
Forecast Recommended Quantity
The Forecast Recommended Qty displays the Item Card and is the same feature also known and found in the Purchasing section. This recommendation is typically used for reordering products from your supplier to your local warehouse within the Purchasing section but is also included in RestockAMZ. In RestockAMZ, this will display a restock recommendation solely based on the forecast, for either shipping inventory from your supplier or your local warehouse, depending on the FBA Replenishment model selected for the item. The recommendation will take into account the lead times you have set as well as the target days of inventory you would like at Amazon. The Forecast Recommended Qty uses our proprietary forecast models and your item's past sales history to provide an accurate restock recommendation that takes into account trends and seasonality faster than using daily sales rates alone.
Supplier Restock Recommendation
The Supplier Restock Recommendation will tell you how much of a product you should ship to Amazon directly from your supplier using daily sales rates, taking into account the specific supplier lead time and your ideal days of FBA Inventory. When you open the Restock from Supplier Calculations window, you will see the information used to obtain your recommendation. The average daily sales rate is the number of units you are predicted to sell per day and is calculated based on your specific daily sales rate settings which use lookback periods and the forecast data.
The bottom right square, Recommended Purchase Order Quantity, tells you how many units to reorder, the same as next to the supplier icon. This also goes into detail on why you should reorder the quantity recommended. This recommendation takes the number of units required to cover your lead time and ideal FBA inventory and subtracts what you have in Amazon, in your local warehouse, and units currently on order, to get this recommendation.
Warehouse Restock Recommendation
Warehouse Restock Recommendation functions the same as the Supplier Restock Recommendation above but uses your warehouse lead time instead of supplier lead time. The bottom left square, Recommended Restock Quantity, will give you your recommendation, the same as the warehouse icon. The calculation for this recommendation is based on your ideal FBA quantity + inventory needed to cover the lead time and subtracts the amount of inventory you currently have in Amazon including inbound shipments. Your recommended restock is based on the amount of inventory you should send to Amazon regardless of how much inventory you have available locally. We display your last updated warehouse inventory and only allow you to add up to this amount when you create a shipment. For example, if RestockAMZ suggests you ship 100 units to Amazon but you only have 50 available in local inventory, the maximum quantity you are able to add to a shipment from your warehouse is 50 units.
Recommendation by Case Pack
The Recommendation by Case Pack column is another option to use when viewing restock recommendations. This column displays the same information and functions the same as the restock recommendations column, except it rounds your recommended quantities up in multiples according to your case pack parameters.
If you ship products to Amazon in case-packed multiples, enter your units per case pack into the Items section. The Recommendation by Case Pack column will then display the number of units you would need to send, without having to manually adjust your shipment quantity.
Restock Needed
The Restock Needed is the quantity needed to restock Amazon without taking into account lead times. This quantity represents the amount of ideal FBA inventory set minus the amount of inventory on hand and on shipment into Amazon. This is included for informational purposes and it is suggested you follow the restock recommendation with lead times accounted for when creating a shipment.
Modifying Restock Recommendations
What to do if your restock recommendation seems too low and you're running out of stock
If you are running out of stock, try the following options:
- Check Lead times: Check that your warehouse lead time and individual supplier lead times are set to the accurate amount of days it takes from shipment creation to inventory becoming available in Amazon. If this time varies, set your lead time closer to the maximum time it will take for inventory to be at Amazon.
- Include Pending Orders: Turn on the pending orders toggle under Manage Company.
- Adjust Ideal FBA Inventory: Increase your min and max ideal inventory to have more stock available at Amazon.
- Adjust Daily Sales Rate Settings: If you are running out of stock, your average daily sales rate calculation may be lower than expected. If you're coming up on a higher sales season, adjusting daily sales rate weights higher for ForecastRx Demand and for smaller windows like 7 or 30-day may help.
- Check Shipment Status: If you have shipments generated in working status, those units will be counted as inbound inventory, lowering your recommended restock. Check that there are no old, unshipped orders in working status affecting your inbound quantities.
What to do if your restock recommendation seems too high and you're overstocked
If you have too much inventory on hand, try the following options:
- Check Lead times: Check that your warehouse lead time and individual supplier lead times are set to the accurate amount of days it takes from shipment creation to inventory becoming available in Amazon. If this time varies, set your lead time closer to the minimum or the average time it will take for inventory to be at Amazon.
- Don't Include Pending Orders: Turn off the pending orders toggle under Manage Company. Pending orders can be canceled and counting them could inflate inventory if this occurs.
- Adjust Ideal FBA Inventory: Decrease your min and max ideal inventory to have a smaller restock quantity suggested.
- Adjust Daily Sales Rate Settings: If you are overstocked, your average daily sales rate calculation may be higher than expected. If you're coming up on a slower sales season, adjusting daily sales rate weights higher for ForecastRx Demand and for larger windows like 90 or 180-day may help.
Should I always follow the Restock Recommendations?
RestockAMZ provides you with the best possible guidelines for restocking Amazon using your sales history, trends, and inventory replenishment methods, but there are other factors that could influence your inventory levels and restock preferences. You may decide to use our tools to determine profitability when deciding which products to ship, as well as factors outside of RestockAMZ, such as running promotions that increase sales. It is also important to remember unforeseen circumstances can occur and affect your inventory levels such as shipping delays and restock limits.
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