Whether you are new to ForecastRx or have an existing account, getting started with RestockAMZ is as simple as just a few steps:
1. Sync with Amazon Seller Central
If you do not already have a ForecastRx account linked to Amazon, you will need to create an account and sync your Amazon company. To learn more about how to do this, you can check out our getting started with Amazon steps here.
2. Choose your RestockAMZ Settings:
Set FBA Replenishment Model
Choose how you typically send products to Amazon, either directly from a supplier or from a local warehouse to Amazon. When calculating your restock suggestions, the Forecast Recommended Qty will adjust accordingly for the correct lead times. You will still see a supplier and warehouse daily sales rate recommendation no matter how you set the FBA replenishment model. This is an account-level setting and can be changed on the item or supplier level.
Set Warehouse Lead Time
Warehouse lead time is the average number of days from creating your shipment until it arrives at Amazon. This will affect your Warehouse Restock Recommendation, and your Forecast Recommended Qty if you have Warehouse Ships to FBA set. This is an account-level setting within the RestockAMZ Settings that can be changed at any time. You can also change the warehouse lead time on the supplier or item level from Manage Company > Items under the Links column. This can be helpful to change if you have multiple warehouse locations with varying lead times and if shipment processing times increase at Amazon due to peak seasons.
Set Ideal FBA Inventory
Ideal FBA Inventory is a time frame of how many days of inventory coverage you would like at Amazon at any given time. We recommend having a minimum of 30 days of inventory and a maximum of 45 days to start. You can adjust the range at any time and set it on the item level as well. The minimum quantity set will correspond with the orange flag alert, inventory below this amount of days will show this alert. The maximum quantity set will correspond to the yellow flag; inventory quantities below this range but above the minimum will be flagged yellow. Your restock recommendations will also be influenced by the set maximum days of FBA inventory. The maximum Days of FBA Inventory will be used as your target days of inventory, so your recommendations will be based on this number of days + lead time.
Set Daily Sales Rate Rules
Daily sales rate can be set on a date range lookback, an average with weightings for different time frames, or automatically adjusted weightings. We suggest using the "automatically adjusted weightings" setting for daily sales rate. RestockAMZ will give you custom suggested weights for each time frame based on each item's length of sales history. You can adjust these weights manually at any time by switching to "average" and they can also be modified on the supplier and item level as well. The daily sales rate will influence your restock recommendation. To learn more about daily sales rates, click here.
Total Inventory Available Calculation
This section is for you to select which inventory is counted in your total inventory valuation. The total will be subtracted from your recommendations so it is accounted for. Toggle on any inventory you would like counted. Ideally, you would want all inventory accounted for, but some sellers may not update their FBM inventory frequently or use their warehouse inventory to restock FBA, so they would toggle these off so those inventory quantities are not counted.
Ignore Old Shipments
This setting will delete old shipments from the Manage Shipments page that are created past the specified days. The shipment details will still be available in Seller Central.
3. Sync Shipments from Amazon
If your past shipments have not automatically synced from Amazon, you will need to navigate to Manage Shipments and select Sync Shipments for the first time. After this is complete, shipments will automatically update from Amazon with each daily sync and you can choose to refresh the shipment status at any time to get the most current status from Amazon.
4. Update Suppliers
If you restock Amazon directly from the supplier, you must add and assign a supplier to each item if you have not done so yet. Your supplier data from the Manage Company > Suppliers will be copied over to RestockAMZ. You may have to add an updated address for a supplier if it has not been populated from Amazon or add an address when creating your shipments.
5. Create a Test Shipment
Once your settings are adjusted to your needs and suppliers are assigned, create a test shipment to make sure your settings are saved to how you want them, and go back and make changes if needed. Now you are all set to start restocking Amazon with RestockAMZ. For steps on creating your first shipment into Amazon, click here.
If you are still experiencing problems with onboarding or have additional questions, contact our support team at ForecastRx Support.
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