To enter your supplier information for use in Purchasing and RestockAMZ, navigate to Manage Company > Suppliers.
Here you can add a new supplier by selecting the green "Add New" button or upload multiple suppliers at once through the "Bulk Management" drop-down. Suppliers will store settings for each supplier such as lead time, order interval, service level, and more. These settings will influence both Purchasing recommendations and RestockAMZ restock recommendations. Also included under the "Links" column is your Purchasing daily sales rate settings. This setting will only influence your daily sales rate for recommended purchase orders and not RestockAMZ restock recommendations.
When entering a new supplier with the "Add New" feature, you also can enter the supplier's address. To do this, you will click on "Add address" at the bottom of the window. This information with then be visible in the Address Book under RestockAMZ.
If you need to update an existing Supplier's address or adjust RestockAMZ daily sales rate settings, navigate to RestockAMZ > Address Book.
To add an address to an existing supplier, in Address Book click "Add New", select the supplier from the drop-down you would like to associate the new address with, and enter the remaining information. Multiple addresses can be associated with the same supplier if needed for alternate warehouse locations. Under "Links" will be the RestockAMZ supplier daily sales rate settings. This will influence your Amazon restock recommendations only. By default, this will be set on the company level unless you decide to change it.
Amazon Supplier and Address Sync
If you have already synced your Amazon shipments with RestockAMZ, your supplier name and address may have synced automatically from past shipments and will be displayed in both Suppliers and Address Book. By default, these synced suppliers will be given company-level settings for daily sales rate, lead time, order interval, and service level unless you change them.
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