- ASIN (Amazon Standard Item Number): Conditional field for tracking Amazon shipments
- Date of Sale: The date of the purchase
- Days Units Shipped: Historic sales over a period of time
- Demand - Supply: Raw number indicating how many units to reorder not taking into account MOQs, safety stock, or lot multiples. Use "recommended qty" or "purchase qty" when reordering.
- Description: Text field for the user input item title or description
- PO Date: The day the purchase order was created.
- Receive Date: Latest expected arrival date of a purchased item
- Existing PO Qty: Quantity of an item on existing POs prior to the last forecast
- EAN (European Article Number): A 13-digit barcoding system, expanding upon the 12-digit Universal Product Code (UPC), designed for enhanced product identification and tracking.
- FBM (Fulfilled by Merchant): The seller will control the entire storing, packing and shipping process
- FC (Fulfillment Center): The place that stores, packages, and ships orders to customers
- FNSKU (Fulfillment Network Stock Keeping Unit): A unique identifier that assigned to each SKU
- Item Name: The name your items are referred by, typically SKU.
- Kits: Custom configurations of products sold on Amazon, such as multi-packs and bundles
- Lead Time: The number of days it takes for the item to become saleable, including any assembly/manufacturing, from the time you place the order
- Lot Multiple Qty: multiple an item must be ordered from your supplier; case pack qty
- MOQ: The minimum order quantity your supplier requires you to purchase at a time
- MTD Units Sold (Month-to-Date Units Sold): The total number of units sold from the beginning of the current month to the present
- On Hand Qty: The amount of current inventory you have in storage or at a place of sale
- On Hand Sync: Data sync pulling in current on-hand quantities from your data source; only turn this feature off if your data source has inaccurate information or is not up to date
- Open Qty: Outstanding units on a purchase order; units that have not been received
- Open Sales Order Qty: The unfulfilled quantity from backorders or future sales orders
- Order Interval: The preferred number of days between placing purchase orders.
- Order Qty: Total units ordered
- POs (Purchase Orders): The orders that are placed from suppliers
- Projected OOS Date: The date the item will be out of stock if not restocked beforehand
- Projected Sales: Prediction of future sales within your sales horizon (lead time + order interval)
- Purchase as: Input the item name you purchased it from your supplier if it is ordered under a different name than you sell it as.
- Sales Order Qty: The fulfilled quantity
- Service Level: safety stock level; is a percentage that represents the expected probability of not hitting a stock-out. It represents a trade-off between the cost of inventory and the cost of stock-outs.
- SKU (Stock Keeping Unit): A unique identifier assigned to a specific product or item
- Tag: User-defined field to help filter items; for example, save tags as item colors or sizes
- Target Order Value: The target that the seller sets for each supplier
- Warehouse Qty: The amount of current inventory you have in a place of storage and not yet saleable
- UPC (The Universal Product Code): The standardized barcode system that allows stores to track inventory and sales
- YTD Units Sold (Year-to-Date Units Sold): The total number of units sold from the beginning of the current year up until the present day
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