ForecastRx has 3 ways to hide items: Hidden, Do Not Restock, and Do Not Order
Why would I need to hide items?
Hiding items prevent them from being forecasted and will not be included in your total active SKUs. This also prevents ForecastRx from giving you purchase recommendations or restock recommendations for these items.
Mark items as Hidden if they are no longer active, selling products.
For RestockAMZ users, mark items as Do Not Order if you are discontinuing the product and do not need to order more units from your manufacturer, but still have units in local inventory to restock Amazon with.
For RestockAMZ users, mark items as Do Not Restock if you still wish to purchase the product from your suppliers, but do not want to restock Amazon at this time.
To hide items manually:
Go to the Items tab under Manage Company, then add “Hidden” to your columns if it is not already displayed. Next, check the box under the “hidden” column for each product you want to hide.
This process is the same for "Do Not Restock" and "Do Not Order". You also have the ability to check off "Do Not Order" directly in the Purchasing > Custom grid and you can check off "Do Not Restock" in the RestockAMZ > Restock from Supplier grid.
To hide items in bulk:
One way to hide multiple items is to filter the items list by a common attribute. Then select all and press the hide items button.
Another way to hide items in bulk is to click bulk management and then download data. From there, mark items in the "hidden" column from "false" to "true" in order to hide them. After completing this, save the file, hit bulk management again, and upload data. Follow this sequence as well if you would like to use Do Not Restock and Do Not Order.
How to Filter Hidden Columns from Items Grid:
If you do not wish to see the hidden items in your Items grid, filter the "hidden" column and select "is false". If you would like to only see the hidden items then filter the "hidden" column to "is true".
How to Unhide/Reactivate Items:
Whether you selected Hidden, Do Not Order, or Do Not Restock, you can easily unhide these items. Navigate to Manage Company > Items, check that the column you wish to modify is enabled(Hidden, Do Not Restock, or Do Not Order), then filter the column to "True" to find Hidden items. Then you can de-select the check box and they will be reactivated.
This can also be done through Bulk Management by selecting Download Data, modifying the correct column in your spreadsheet from "True" to "False", and then uploading the spreadsheet to "Update Existing Entries" to upload your changes.
Run a forecast after making changes for the items to be visible in your recommendations again.
If you have additional questions, contact our support team at ForecastRx Support.
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